It is a remarkable work of a master baker Joseph of Marianske Lazne, which is not showing the birth of Christ, but also the history of Slovak nation. Joseph baker's idea was incorporated into the biblical images of the life environment of Slovak people. God's birth is located in the middle of the work and is set into the village Rajecká Lesná. Around it are represented all Slovak regions of their most famous places and monuments. Castles Devin, Bratislava, Trencin, Orava, cathedrals, Nitra, Trnava, Spišská Kapitule, Kosice and others. In the background, Krivan, one of the Tatra peaks, which is a symbol of Slovakia. In the centre of the entire composition is poor stall, wth the Jesus Crist in the crib, figures f the Virgin Mary, Joseph, a village little boy who brings his favorite toy - horse. There are also three kings Gaspard, Baltazar and Melicha, the shepherds and animals.
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